You have just found the most important page on our website! Oswald Chambers once said, "we don't pray for the great work, prayer is the great work." We want to be a school and people of prayer. There are two main categories to this page, first, if God has put it on your heart to pray for us, please sign up for our Intercessors prayer email list. This email list is for our prayer warriors out there who want to get the most up to date prayer requests from us. And the second category is that we want our students to be people of prayer too! So if you need prayer for something, send a prayer request to our students using the form below and you can be sure our students will be praying for it alongside you. Intercessor PRayer list sign upsubmit your prayer requestsLet Us Pray For You.
Send us your prayer requests using the form below. We will share these with our staff and students and ask them to pray for you. Please also share updates how God is answering your prayers.